Thursday 6 September 2007

I Can't Wait To See...

I Am Legend

And, sadly, I'm going to be waiting quite a while as this Will Smith fronted number doesn't appear until the new year. Still it sounds very interesting indeed.
Smith plays the last man alive on earth after he has created a virus that has wiped out humanity. The story, by Richard Matheson, has been made into a film twice before - The Last Man on Earth (1964) and The Omega Man (1971)- but this promises much. Smith himself has hinted that this is more arthouse than Hollywood blockbuster which suggests character above action, though Smith might, of course, be exaggerating. However, there is certainly room and potential here for an interesting character story about isolation and its effects (set against a fascinating backdrop) as Smith's character struggles to find an antidote whilst fighting off the effects of the virus. In the form of killer vampires. Oh dear, I hear you collectively scream (unless you like vampire movies, which I kind of do). But apparently the director says they're not vampires. Or zombies. So we'll have to wait and see on that one but it is a worry as poor creature effects can ruin a movie and a good premise (cf. The Descent; Alien Resurrection). However, I certainly like the idea of the last human left alive on earth being claustrophobically locked away in his room/house and fighting the effects of both loneliness and guilt.
One final worry. Smith's character is a scientist looking to discover and cure for the disease he's helped to create and there is definitely potential here for ropey endings, but hopefully they'll pull the whole thing off well. It certainly promises much, I just hope it delivers and, if it does, it could be a classic. Oh, and it has an actor called Paradox Pollack so it can't be bad.

Hope you enjoy the trailer...

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