Now it may or may not have escaped your notice that I don't really like comic book films. Whilst everyone else can't get enough Spiderman, Iron Man or Batman, I prefer my heroes to not wear capes, turn green or shoot webbing out of their wrists. With everyone falling over themselves to praise The Dark Knight, I could only muster enough enthusiasm for a B-. I don't really care for the original films, let alone the never-ending run of sequels they tend to spawn. Granted, TDK was better than Batman Begins, but usually the sequels obey the laws of diminishing returns. Once you've spent two hours with these characters, there's little value in watching the same people going through the same old angst within a variation of a plot that you've seen plenty of times before. If I could have one film related wish granted I would ban all comic book and superhero films and all sequels for a year and see what Hollywood came up with to fill the multiplexes over the summer months. It is therefore really saying something when I tell you I pretty much loved not only a comic book film, but a sequel at that.
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Hey excellent review! I'm a proper Hellboy fan and found your review suited to my taste :)
It's certainly got some great visuals!
And truthfully I don't think Dark Knight was as good as they say it is either!
Thanks very much, glad you liked it. I really had no intention of watching this film but some people recommended it and I loved it. I'll probably go back to Hellboy 1 and see that - I know it wont be as good but it'll be fun to see it. I'm actually hoping they make a Hellboy 3 as well!
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