I finally made it. Walking into the cinema, I had that awful sinking feeling of a film over hyped and over loved that would end up being a disappointment. It has been impossible to avoid the hype, not least over Heath Ledger's final performance (said by all to be stunning, even by those who did not love the film), and my film thermometer has been rising. So, was this worth the wait?
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Adam, I've just read your review on this. Think we amazingly agree on most points, love it that we both picked up on the hair thing.
I see what you mean about Bale, though I'd add that it's not his fault that they made that ludicrous decision to make him sound like Papa Lazarou from the League of Gentlemen (or, as you aptly say, Patti and Selma). I thought Bale was good. I didn't think the Rachel character was totally superfluous as she adds a vital dimension to Dent's story arc which is far too brutally shortened in this. I couldn't agree with you more that he deserved a film of his own.
I swear I didn't read your review until I'd seen this and written mine. Interesting the bits we agree on (the majority) and equally the bits we don't (the minority).
The next installment could be interesting...Or, have they blown it with this?
And what the hell has happened to the next Superman movie????????
"What happened to the next Superman film?"
What happened was that the whole world hated it apart from you! It lost money at the box office and was on sale on DVD for £3 (I kid you not) about 1 month after it was released at normal price and there's no way the studio will greenlight another unless they can get the budget under control (the first was $270 apparently.)
Yeah, I also noted we picked up on his mannerisms - that brushing the hair back thing is just one example of the attention to detail that Ledger puts into his work. Just astonishing. Did you ever see Brokeback Mountain? He was superb in that too.
BTW, don't be so sure that Harvey is dead. There is a suggestion that he may well be the centre-piece of the next film. We're totally on the same page in that he was too good to be a side show.
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