Monday 1 October 2007

Speaking of remakes...

How about this!


Matt said...

What the fuck is this about!!!! Although at least they've put an interesting spin on it by casting an African-American in the title role.

see? i told you... said...

Regarding remakes...

How do we know if we are watching a 'remake' or a 'new version(on the original one)' ??? Sometimes it's hard to say,isn't it?

Matt said...

But I'm afraid I'm a bit cynical about this. How many remakes have you seen where you can genuinely say that it was a true re-imagining or a new version of the old film as opposed to a simple money-making exercise (though you may think that's okay too)? Maybe we can try and make a list...

Possibly one might be The Thin Red Line, but I've not seen the original so can't really comment. I'll try to think of some others. Can you think of any?