Thursday 11 October 2007

I'm Not Sure How I Feel About This...

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull (AKA, Indy 4)

I honestly don't. Raiders of the Lost Ark is a truly great, genius, film that I harshly gave only an A to. I think I might have to review that as thinking about the new film has reminded me just how good Raiders was. Anyway, I digress. Despite that, I didn't think all that much of the next two, although they were both watchable. Therefore, the return of my childhood hero fills me with excitement and trepidation in equal measure.

Don't get me wrong, I'll be one of the first in the queue and will go wild with excitement when the trailer first previews in a month or so. But can they really and truly make it exciting and develop the characters in new and exciting ways. Perhaps the characters are so damn good that they don't have to, and there's something to be said for that, but I think there is potential to do interesting things with Indy's age (as the later Lethal Weapon films tried). It's a shame Sean Connery turned it down as well, I think the relationship between the Jones' was the real highlight of The Last Crusade.
Apparently, the Skull thingy might have something to do with Atlantis and the appearance of the word 'kingdom' lends further weight to that rumour. That would be interesting and I'm sure a great story could be written around it. And Indy is, lets face it, just the character you'd want to build it around.
This has been something of a selfish therapeutic exercise. I've really managed to talk myself round in the half an hour or so it has taken me to prepare this. I'm am now excited.

And in case that excitement wanes I had to include a picture of Harrison Ford looking ultra handsome. Man, I wished I looked like that. I did try to be Indy once and did an archaeology course at university just because I thought archaeology was genuinely like that. It isn't. Imagine the furthest thing from Indiana Jones and you've probably just about got archaeology. Equally, for anyone who doesn't know me, imagine the farthest thing from Harrison Ford and you've probably just about got Matt.

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