Thursday 18 September 2008

The Ones that Didn't Quite Make it

...into my top 25 scenes of all time.

#1 Cindarella Boy (Bill Murray) Caddyshack (1980)

Thought I'd add a brief spattering of some of my other favorite scenes that didn't quite make it into my top 25 (in no particular order). Going from the sublime to the ridiculous, I thought I'd start with one which is sublime and ridiculous in equal measure, the pure genius that is Bill Murray in Caddyshack (1980). It's timely as well since today sees the beginning of golf's biannual showpiece (unless you believe Hunter Mahan) The Ryder Cup. I'd certainly have Murray's bumbling, Vietnam-vet, groundsman in the American Team. He'd add a touch of class.

Not much to say about the scene except it's hilarious and I think - quite uniquely in a way - that holds whether you've seen the film and know the character or not. So here he is, the Cindarella Boy himself...

A note on Murray's genius - this was all ad-libbed.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Pret-ty, pret-ty good. Pretty good.