This new post title has nothing to do with the fact that Cameron Diaz (or Ashton Kutcher) are in this film. I promise. I just can't be bothered to write a full review.
That actually doesn't reflect the quality of the film, although I do always struggle to find a lot to say about Rom Coms. I really thought I would hate this but have to - begrudgingly - admit that I enjoyed it, though it certainly won't be changing my life.
This has literally the worst plot in film history. Jack (Kutcher) and Joy (Diaz) meet in Vegas, get drunk and get married. They then realise they hate each other, whilst standing next to a slot machine. Joy gives Jack her last quarter as they march of, in total hostility, to get as far away from each other as possible. Jack puts said quarter in said slot machine and wins 3 million dollars. Both claim the money. It ends up in court. A judge with the combined intelligence and legal insight of Sarah Palin and my arse then decides that he can somehow freeze the money and force the two of them to live together and 'work' at the marriage, otherwise they will never get the money back. 'Hilarity' (well, its never quite hilarity, but it's decent entertainment) ensues and the inevitable happens which I won't write because you've already guessed it.
Despite this absurdity, this really isn't a bad film, which is saying something because so many of these films are really really bad. This is enjoyable and it passed the time nicely. Kutcher's character is utterly obnoxious and hugely grates on you until he wakes up to himself but, that aside, the whole thing is, generally speaking, an enjoyable 'romp' even if the performers and cinematographer won't be winning any MyFilmVault awards in 2008. All in all, a nice way to spend an even being distracted from all this constant nonsense and bullshit about the fucking credit crunch. Anything that can take you away from that for an hour or two can't be all bad.
You wait months for Matt to do a 2008 review and when he does it's "What Happened in Vegas."
Not exactly what I expected...! ;o)
Oh and I caught 5 minutes of this on a plane and had enough so read a book. You must have been feeling charitable!
I know, I totally suck. I have to sort it out. I'm pretty bad, pretty, pretty, bad at getting to the cinema. I think this year has been a nasty combination of complete lack of films I can't be bothered to go and see; shit leicester cinemas not actually screening those films I really do want to see (e.g. The Visitor) and moving house. I hope 2009 will be better on all these fronts!!!
I really didn't mind this at all. And I have to admit being totally shocked because I thought I'd absolutely hate it.
I'm joining LoveFilm tonight so that should hopefully help!!
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