Wednesday 29 October 2008

"This is simply not a very good film"

Matt's asks why certain films are regarded as classics when better films are forgotten.



Adam said...

*whispers* I liked it.

Unknown said...

I don't think you wrote enough about it

Matt said...

Controversial brutalisation of my title!

Bec, don't despair, part two is above! Yay!

You don't need to whisper Mr Lapish, I think this just got the brunt of the fact that I happened to see it in the same week as Killer of Sheep and it got my juices going. The overall point is valid, whether it was totally fair on A Touch of Evil to use it to illustrate that point, I'm not sure. Still, I'd like to put Charlton Heston in film badness or an even more appropriate category, film excrement. Mind-shatteringly appaulingly awfully shit.