Tuesday 7 August 2007


You've only gone and stumbled across the greatest, most amazing, all singing, all dancing film website on the internet. Actually you've probably just followed the link I sent you cause you felt sorry for us but in any case thanks for coming.

The new site is like the old one. Except different.

I've completely broken my promise of adding to the blog regularly but that's because I've been working on the new site. I basically had to teach myself dreamweaver which is better than the old frontpage software I was using. And then I had it all done and it looked perfect but then I checked it out on Matt's computer using Internet Exploder Explorer (I use Firefox) and it looked like garbage. So I had to redo the whole thing page by page just to cater to our many thousands of fans who will no doubt be using Microsoft's inferior product.

Hopefully that's all fixed now though. I'll therefore be updating the blog as often as possible. All Matt's excellent reviews are now indexed so you can find out what he's recommended and try and avoid it (I jest of course).

Please tell your friends about us. Our aim is to conquer google as the website with the most internet traffic by the end of the month. We need your help to manage it.


*By they way if you're not using firefox as your main browser why not?


Matt said...


Matt said...

And now Matt said...

Damn it, didn't mean to publish after one letter. Stupid login. Mind you, that was very profound.
How fantastic does this look!!!!!!!! My esteemed colleague deserves high praise, and high hits, for this effort. Let's get those hits up. I, for one, plan to spend the rest of my day googling it.
Awesome, awesome, awesome. Thank you very much, Mr Lapish!

Unknown said...

could you please explain what the actual differences are?

is there a better search facility, for example?

Adam said...

It looks nicer!

I will add a search facility soon if I can work out how to do it.

And links should be working on every page, which probably wasn't the case before.

But basically it just looks a lot better and looks the same in different browsers, which probably makes not as much difference if you weren't using Internet Explorer, but should make a huge difference if you were.