Wednesday 23 January 2008

Monster (2003)

An odd film this. Based on the true story of America's most notorious female serial killer, Aileen Wuornos, it was never going to be an easy watch, particularly as the director takes a first person perspective on the killer in the way that (for example) Zodiac (or Se7en) doesn't. The result is an enjoyable, balanced (in one sense at least) and fair, if unspectacular, film.

The first half of the film is better than the second and the relationship between the two main characters, Aileen, played by the excellent (and duly recognised by the movie-watching public as such) Charlize Theron, and Selby, played by Christina Ricci. Ricci's performance is solid but, in all honesty, there is not much substance to her selfish character and it's not, in my view, a very challenging role. The same can't be said of playing Aileen Wuornos. Theron gets into character perfectly from the off and at no point do you ever feel as though you are watching someone acting, it feels like a very real, flesh and blood, performance. Excellent.

The first half of the film charts the sweet and innocent relationship that develops between the two before things go wrong because of a tragic incident that can easily have the effect on fragile human life as portrayed in the film.

The second half, as Wuornos' killings become more and more senseless, is far less compelling and convincing. The ultimate result is a satisfactory film that I can't, however, see myself ever returning to. I cannot say whether it represents a genuine representation of Wuornos' life but it is a fair and balanced look at how life, and events, can so tragically and dramatically destroy the lives of individuals because of the unequal and often dehumanising conditions in which many human beings are compelled to live. As a film, the characters just aren't engaging enough, especially as the material becomes tougher and tougher and that is partly down to Ricci's miserable and selfish character Selby. It's an interesting ride following the short and tragic journey of the couple, but it's not always a gripping one.

Not great, but not bad either:



Unknown said...

oh my god. Monster is one of my favourite films - certainly in my top 20 - and you've given it a B-

I feel Theron's performance alone makes it at least a B+.

My film a*se


Matt said...

Mort returns with a vengance!!

I never said it was a bad film, it's just not great in my opinion. Not engaging enough, even though, as you say, Theron's performance is excellent. I think they pitched the film a bit wrong, but it was by no means Talented Mr Ripley Bad.

: )